It is time once again for those of us on the
Ten Two Studios design team to meet Lisa Vollrath's
Halloween challenge. Since it's an election year and I live in a battleground state, I figured some political ATCs were needed, using
witches and a dapper
Day of the Dead gent. The initial theme and color scheme were inspired by Steve Hockensmith's latest novel
Cadaver in Chief
in which the president of the United States is suspected of becoming a zombie.
Inspiration also came from
Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels
which feature a plethora of undead characters including
Reg Shoe, the first zombie member of the City Watch and an activist for dead rights. From his Fresh Start Club, we get the slogan "Undead Yes, Unperson No." Pratchett also wrote
Equal Rites
about a girl who inherits a wizard staff but is told that women can't be wizards.
Although apparently claims of the dead voting are
more myth than reality, shouldn't the dead be allowed to vote if they can get themselves to the polls on time? Just think of the years of experience that the undead might bring to elected office! After all, being dead is only the beginning!